From Newborn to 5th Grade
The children’s ministry of the Central Church of Christ is all about kids. We partner with parents to help shape and form each child into the image of Christ.

Kid Central Nursery
(Birth - 24 months)
It is our goal to make this initial experience as pleasant and welcoming as possible. We provide 1 paid staff member who is CPR certified along with 2 screened and approved volunteers.
Nursery services are available at both the Bible Class hour and Worship hour.
(Ages 2 - 3 Year Olds)
Preschoolers are active, curious and full of wonder. Our preschool classes explore a “First Look” (curriculum series) into God and how they are an active part of God’s story. We invite children to stay the morning with us as we explore further God’s story and what it means for our lives. We offer Bible class as well as Toddler worship during the worship hour where these ideas and values are further discussed.
Classes are offered on Sunday morning at 9:00 am. Toddler Worship begins at 10:15 am on Sundays.
(4 years - 3rd Grade)
Our elementary gatherings make room for big questions and big ideas while leaving no doubt about who God is or who we are in Him. Each week, our elementary kids explore Bible stories that teach our 4 core values: God knows me, Jesus loves me, the Holy Spirit leads me, and I am a child of God.”
Elementary classes meet on Sunday at 9:00 am.
Flight 45
(4th Grade and 5th Grade)
Flight 45 is a ministry that is offered to our 4th and 5th graders. This ministry serves as a transition point that begins preparing students to accept the story of Jesus as their own. We work collaboratively to begin equipping students for the transition into our student ministry.
We meet on Sunday’s at 9:00 am for Bible class and have additional outings and events. Check our upcoming events for more information!
sUNDAY worship
Children’s Worship (4 years - 2nd Grade)
Our kids begin worship with the entire church in the Worship Center at 10:15am. Then at a designated time in the service, they transition to Hangar C for a special time of worship for kids ages 4 years to 2nd grade. Your children are invited to join us in Hangar C as we dive into the word and lift praises to our King.
Children in our Worship Gathering
We believe that no gathering is complete without the presence of children, and we rejoice when children are able to actively participate in worship! We provide the following resources to help your children feel as comfortable as possible on a Sunday morning:
Worship Engagement Stations: These stations are stationed outside of our main doors and include children’s Bibles, fidgets, coloring sheets, and sermon note pages. Feel free to take what you would for worship, but please return the items before you leave.
Family Nursery: Located on the south side of the worship space, this space is set aside for our youngest participants and their families to quietly and calmly participate in worship. A privacy sign is available to any nursing mothers who would like to use the space.
Sensory Room: Located on the north side of the worship space, this room includes fidgets, toys, weighted stuffed animals, and more for any children that may be overwhelmed or overstimulated during our gathering.
Both our family nursery and sensory room have a tinted window that allows families to still see and hear into the worship gathering!

Join us each month for Wacky Wednesday! Our elementary kids will gather for dinner, a service project, and a lesson, and our toddlers will gather for dinner, a short lesson, and playtime. Wacky Wednesdays typically run on the first Wednesday of each month from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. See our upcoming events for more information!