What to Expect in Worship
Scripture Reading
We often begin with a call to worship from God's word. We believe the scriptures are transformative, giving us life and hope and shaping us into the image of Jesus.
We sing a blend of traditional and contemporary music. Singing is one of the more participatory acts of worship that symbolizes our unity together and our praise to God.
Lord's Supper
Welcome to the table. Here at Central, we weekly commemorate the Lord's Supper. It's an opportunity for us to participate in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This is a communal practice, and you will find that we will share both the bread and the cup together. Jesus’ invitation to his table is extended to all, and all are welcomed to join us.
Each Sunday, we give to God out of the financial resources he has given us. This is another way we express our thanks and love. The gift is sacrificial and from the heart, and the money is used by the church to carry out God’s mission locally and globally.
Central is a Bible-centered church, and our preacher is the one we’ve commissioned to spend time in prayer and study each week so he might bring us the Word of God.
Children's Worship
Everything for children is located at "Kid Central" near our main west entrance. We offer a fully-staffed nursery during our Sunday morning assemblies for babies up to 18-months-old. Following the service, you may pick up your child at the same site. For children 18-months through 3-years-old, we offer Toddler Worship. And for children 4-years-old through 2nd grade we have Children’s Worship.
At the end of each worship service, one of our shepherds will offer a benediction and prayer, and our elders and their spouses are available to pray with you at that time.